The inside of Eminence has a lot of character. I'm not sure who the artist is but those walls are overflowing with color!
The workout
100 double unders
50 handstand push ups
40 toe to bar
30 axle bar shoulder to overhead (160 lbs)
90 ft walking lunge with bar in front rack position
I spent about an hour doing heavy jerks before heading over to Eminence and I could defiantly feel that within the first 5 handstand push ups. My time there was unacceptably slow. The Eminence crew cheered me through about the worst set of 50 HSPU I've ever had. Everything else felt okay. The last 30ft of the walking lunge was a gut check for sure but Lindsey and Kris cheered me on like we were at the Games. To be honest if it wasn't for those guys screaming at me I likely wouldn't have finished under the time cap of 15 minutes.
It says a lot about a gym that is so willing to open their doors to other athletes in the community to come and use their equipment to help prepare them for an event. Hell, Lindsey offered to let me borrow one of their axle bars until regionals!! That is an incredibly uplifting attitude toward our community.
The T-Shirt
American Apparel YO! The color is boss, it's not quite an OD green and I am loving that the American flag is on the correct sleeve. The right one if you were unfamiliar with your "honor side" it's the arm you salute with. The flag should also always be headed toward battle never away from it, that is why it looks backward. I think I got the last one though so you are all shit out of luck. BOOM! Lucky day!
The Score
The space is very open and perfect for CrossFit. The view out the bay doors is spectacular, the equipment is top notch and the coaches are awesome. I am giving CrossFit Eminence a score of.....
The first frosty cold beer after the last workout at Regionals!!
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