Since I am here I thought I would take a moment to fill you in on how regionals went. They were awesome!!! that is all.
Okay, when have you ever known me to be short winded?!?!
First of all this was my first true CF competition. I did a small charity event at CF Longmont on st. Pattys day, which was very well put together and in fact is the background picture on this page. I will do a review on CF Longmont this week. Regionals was, by far, the coolest sporting event I have ever been a part of! It was so well put together and featured a group of some of the most impressive athletes I have ever competed against. I had the honor and privledge of being in the same heat as Chris Spealler, Matt Chan, Zach Forrest, Pat Burke, and Matt Hathcock. I honestly couldn't stop smiling the entire time! I wasn't holding my breath for a heat victory with this group so my goal was to have a good time. I was dreading this workout too, as it featured 30 hang cleans at 225# My 1RM for this lift was 205# at the time the workouts were released the week before. I worked every single day to get to a point that I could move that weight. I managed to get just 2 more than the minimum requirement of 10 and advanced to the second day of competition. From that point forward I was just thrilled to be there. The fans, the athletes, hell.... even the judges were amazing! Did I mention that all competitors got THREE T-SHIRTS?!?!?! I almost shit my pants! Bottom line, I CAN NOT WAIT for next year!! I have decided to not do any endurance events this year. I will be focusing 100% of my attention on qualifying for the CF Games in the next 3 years.
Here is how I fared last weekend...

Dead lifts (225#)
handstand push ups

2K row50 pistols
30 hang cleans (225#)
4 rounds10 dumbbell snatches (100#)
50M sprint

40 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead (135#)
50 front squat (85#)
40 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead (85#)
50 overhead squats (65#)
40 pull ups
30 shoulder to overhead (65#)

Snatch ladder, on the minute20 double unders
1 snatch (155,165,175,185,195, ext)
All in all I did everything I possibly could with what was put in front of me. I need to get stronger and that is EXACTLY what I am going to do. This experience was invaluable.
I would be absolutely wrong to not say thank you thank you thank you thank you to...
My Pops! Bruce flew up from Phoenix to watch me compete but that isn't the coolest thing. He listened and learned all about CrossFit. Every time I called him during the open he was like "How do you feel about 12.4?" he isn't a CrossFitter, but he learned all about this stuff because he knew how important it is to me. Best Dad anywhere!!
All of you crazy CF LoDo athletes and coaches that came out and screamed at me when it hurt, that showed up on Saturday mornings to push me harder than I would have on my own. Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! I couldn't ask for a better group of athletes to coach or a better group of coaches to work with!!
I am truly blessed to represent all of you every time I lace up my old wrestling shoes!!
Watch out Speal!!! I am coming for you next year!!
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