Monday, May 21, 2012

D-Town CrossFit

Initial Impression

Right off of I-25, D-town was easy to find. Beside it being well marked, having athletes running with med balls tells me that there is definitely some CrossFit going on nearby. The entrance was very professional and clean, lots of T-shirts hanging up!! The gym as a whole is the the most colorful and vibrant that I have ever been in. The pull up apparatus in the center of the gym was awesome! I have been wanting to play on it since I saw the pictures on their website.

Warm Up

The warm up was long. It had multiple components. We warmed up with dynamic stretching and mobility movements as a class for about ten minutes before moving on to 3 rounds of 10 slam ball, 8 ring row and 5 wall ball. We spent a few minutes going over the movements for the work out.

Work Out of the Day

The WOD featured a movement/weight scheme that I had just done at regionals. .It was a take from workout #4, which if you were at the SW Regional you may have seen my lower back completely seize up half way through.

800m. Med ball run
25 back squats @ 135#
400m Med ball run
25 front squats @ 85
200m Med ball run
25 Overhead squats @ 65
I had little desire to mess with changing out the weights between, so I went with 135/95/95. I had already done a long set of overhead squats earlier in the day. I wouldn't have done them except the workout that was posted on D-Town's site was different than this one. It threw me for a loop at first. I was expecting to do AMRAP in 10 minutes of double unders and 135# power cleans. "Constantly varied" I suppose. 

Time: 11:34 RX+

D-Town did not disappoint in the T-shirt category! They not only had a large selection, they had quality shirts. American Apparel.

They were so nice, I got one for my coach!
We got huge in them at the home box office..... CrossFit LoDo!!
The Score
The overall feeling in this gym was a little different than most I have visited. It seemed like people were interested in getting down to business. The gym was very well organized and clean.
I give CF D-Town a half a box of chocolate chip cookies. Soft baked.... Duh!

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